Titan Solution Insights

Combining technology and expert analysis to unblock manufacturing flow, realign inventory, and ensure a 98% service level

Written by Admin | Feb 20, 2021 7:05:32 PM


Leading Material Supplier for Engineering and Technology Industries

Founded in 1946

Over 3,500 Customers 

€150M Annual Turnover

420 Employees


  • Redesign inventory process to achieve a goal of minimum 98% service level.

  • The project focused on 100 SKUs across four product families, and the starting service level was under 80%.


  • Build a seven-week timeline with our client for data collection and cleaning, simulation running, and output analysis by our Inventory Optimisation team.
  • Our software and analysts accurately determine optimum inventory levels, by correctly and comprehensively simulating all Supply and Demand Factors that influence any item’s optimal inventory level.
  • Create simulations that consider challenges in relation to current stock levels, distribution, suppliers, in-transit materials, and seasonality demand.

  • Using information discovered, our analysts mapped the Manufacturing Flow and Inventory Points to identify an opportunity to reduce the number of inventory points within the manufacturing process.


  • 98% Service Level Achieved

  • 24% inventory reduction

  • $8M reduction when applied across product families.

  • Reassigning the inventory holding locations was the key enabler to deliver reductions in inventory due to the reduced cumulative lead-times that were modelled in the simulation.